Not a long post here, but I wanted to note my progress on the layout & customization of this here Octopress dubbed: Web Fu. Obviously the title has changed (previously the captivating “My Octopress Blog”), but I’ve imported Google Fonts as well to add some custom spice to my life. Honestly though, as if the people at Gizoogle didn’t impress me enough… their font-directory over at Google Fonts is ridiculously good-looking.
A quick note and +1 to Google is their release of Google Flights. It rivals the international app Skyscanner and provides a clean interface when selecting cheaper air-fare. It looks as though Google’s acquisition of ITASoftware back in 2010 has finally paid off. Here’s a link to the Matrix database ITA created
Anyways, I’m looking to style this theme a bit more before next week once my class dives into the Rails framework. So in the meantime, I’m going to browse through some themes and of courseā¦ stay on the path towards enightenment with Ruby Koans