Quick post here. After trying for hours to customize some third party themes to this Octopress, I’d made a mess out of my source files. So I went into the terminal and typed Rake-T to see if there was any quick way about removing old files and clearing the sass cache. There was and it’s simple enough: rake clean. Running that command did exactly what I’d hope it would and I saw this lovely trash bin of sorts waiting to be removed from GitHub. Only I didn’t know how to remove the rubbish.

I tried git rm . (thought of the opposite of git add .) but rm . was attempting to remove hidden files. Not the right move. A quick search came up with- git rm $(git ls-files —deleted) and presto, they’re correctly taken from git hub. The command might be different from Windows users, but fortunately it worked for me and I’ll continue to use it after I clean out the sass cache.

Side note- My theme is broken right now, but I’ll have it fixed by tomorrow. I tried to install and customize FoxSlide but the customization is a bit over my head at the moment. So much sass…